Pop-up cameras are a fascinating feature of modern smartphones, offering a full-screen experience by hiding the front camera when not in use. However, sometimes these cameras can encounter issues, such as getting stuck in the 'out' position or failing to pop out. If you are experiencing such issues on a device running an AOSP (Android Open Source Project) ROM, follow the steps below to resolve the problem.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Follow the Link Below

Begin by following the provided link to download the necessary APK file. This APK is a specialised application designed to control the pop-up camera mechanism on your device. Make sure you download it from a trusted source to avoid any security risks.

2. Install the APK and Grant Root Permission

Once the APK file is downloaded, install it on your device. During the installation process, you will be prompted to grant root permissions. Root access is necessary for the app to control the hardware mechanism of the pop-up camera. If you haven't rooted your device yet, you will need to do so. Be aware that rooting your device can void your warranty and may pose security risks.

3. Access the Camera Settings in the App

After installation, open the app. Press the three dots located at the top right corner of the app to access the settings menu. Here, you will find options to set the camera's position:

  • Set Camera Out: Use this option if your camera is popped out but not retracting.
  • Set Camera In: Use this option if your camera is not popping out as it should.

4. Use the Pop Out or Pop In Button

Once you have configured the camera's position in the settings, go back to the app's main screen. You will see two buttons:

  • Pop Out: Press this button to manually extend the pop-up camera.
  • Pop In: Press this button to manually retract the pop-up camera.

Press the appropriate button based on your camera's current state and the issue you are experiencing.

5. Compatibility

Note that this solution works only on devices running an AOSP ROM. AOSP ROMs are custom ROMs based on the pure Android source code, often used by enthusiasts to get a stock Android experience or additional customisation options. If your device is running a manufacturer-specific ROM, this method may not work.

Detailed Explanation

Let's delve deeper into why these steps work and what you can do if you encounter further issues.

Root Permissions and Their Importance

Root access allows the user to gain administrative control over the device. This level of access is necessary for apps that need to interact with hardware components directly, such as the pop-up camera. By granting root permissions to the APK, you are allowing it to execute commands that can control the camera's motor and position. However, root access should be handled with caution. It provides extensive control over the device but also makes it more vulnerable to security risks. Always ensure you download root-required apps from reputable sources and avoid granting root access to unknown or suspicious applications.

Understanding the Pop-Up Camera Mechanism

Pop-up cameras are controlled by small motors that move the camera module up and down. These motors are controlled by software that receives commands from the device's operating system. When the software fails to send the correct commands or if the commands are interrupted, the camera can get stuck. The APK provided in this guide sends direct commands to the motor, bypassing the faulty software that may be causing the issue.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Even after following the steps, you might still face issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Camera Not Responding

If the camera does not respond to the commands from the app, ensure that:

  • Your device is properly rooted.
  • The app has been granted root permissions.
  • The charging port and the area around the camera are free from dust and debris that might obstruct the movement.

App Not Functioning Properly

If the app itself is not functioning properly, try the following:

  • Restart your device and try again.
  • Reinstall the app to ensure it is correctly installed.
  • Check for any app updates that might fix bugs or improve functionality.

Persistent Hardware Issues

If you continue to experience hardware issues with your pop-up camera, such as unusual noises or complete unresponsiveness, it may indicate a mechanical problem. In such cases, it is advisable to contact the device manufacturer or visit a professional repair service.

Precautions and Final Thoughts

When dealing with hardware and root access, always proceed with caution. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Always back up your data before performing any actions that involve rooting or modifying system files.
  • Ensure your device's battery is sufficiently charged before starting the process to avoid any interruptions.
  • Follow the instructions carefully to avoid any unintended consequences.

While the steps provided in this guide should help resolve most issues related to the pop-up camera on AOSP ROMs, always consider seeking professional help if you are unsure about any step or if the problem persists. Proper care and maintenance of your device can prevent many common issues and prolong its lifespan.

Special thanks to Gheorge for providing this simple and effective guide. By following these steps, you can ensure that your pop-up camera functions smoothly and your device remains in optimal condition.

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