
Android devices, especially older ones with limited RAM, can often struggle with performance issues when running multiple applications or handling resource-intensive tasks. To address this, the GS RAM Drive Magisk module provides a solution to increase your device's effective RAM up to 20GB using zRam technology.

zRam creates a compressed block device in RAM, which acts as a swap space, allowing more efficient use of available memory. This helps to improve performance by reducing the need to use slower disk-based swap space.

What is zRam?

zRam is a Linux kernel feature that compresses swap space, using RAM to store swap data instead of a traditional swap partition on the disk. This has several benefits:

  • Faster access times: Accessing RAM is significantly quicker than accessing a hard disk or SSD.
  • Improved performance: Applications can run more smoothly as the system can handle more data in memory.
  • Efficient use of resources: Older devices with limited RAM can benefit greatly from this technology.

Benefits of GS RAM Drive

The GS RAM Drive Magisk module leverages zRam to provide the following benefits:

  • Increased Effective RAM: By using zRam, your device can effectively use more memory than is physically available, up to an additional 20GB.
  • Enhanced Multitasking: Handle more applications simultaneously without significant slowdowns.
  • Improved Performance: Faster app launch times and smoother overall performance, particularly on devices with lower RAM.


To use the GS RAM Drive module, you will need the following:

  • An Android device with root access.
  • Magisk installed on your device.
  • The GS RAM Drive Magisk module.

Installation Instructions

Follow these steps to install and configure the GS RAM Drive module:

Step 1: Install Magisk

If you haven't already, install Magisk on your device to manage root permissions and modules. You can download Magisk from the official website and follow the installation instructions provided there.

Step 2: Download the GS RAM Drive Module

Download the GS RAM Drive module from a trusted source. Ensure you download the latest version to get the most recent features and fixes.

Step 3: Install the Module via Magisk

Open the Magisk Manager app on your device. Go to the Modules section and tap on the "+" button to add a new module. Navigate to the downloaded GS RAM Drive module file and select it. Magisk will then install the module.

Step 4: Reboot Your Device

After the module is installed, reboot your device to apply the changes. The GS RAM Drive module will now be active, enabling zRam and increasing your effective RAM.

Configuring zRam

Once the GS RAM Drive module is installed, you can configure zRam settings to suit your needs. The module typically comes with default settings that work well for most users, but you can tweak these settings if necessary.

Step 1: Accessing zRam Configuration

Use a terminal emulator app or ADB to access the zRam configuration. Open your terminal emulator and enter the following command to gain root access:


Then, navigate to the zRam configuration directory:

cd /sys/block/zram0

Step 2: Adjusting zRam Settings

Here, you can adjust various zRam settings such as the compression algorithm, disk size, and more. For example, to change the compression algorithm to LZ4, you can use:

echo lz4 > /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm

To set the disk size, you might use:

echo 4G > /sys/block/zram0/disksize

Make sure to reboot your device after making any changes for them to take effect.

Monitoring zRam Usage

To ensure that zRam is working effectively, you can monitor its usage. There are several tools and commands you can use to check the status of zRam:

Using Terminal

In your terminal emulator, enter the following command to see zRam statistics:

cat /proc/swaps

This will display the current swap usage, including zRam.

Using Apps

Several Android apps can help you monitor system performance, including zRam usage. Apps like "Kernel Adiutor" or "MTweaks" provide graphical interfaces to monitor and manage zRam settings.


The GS RAM Drive Magisk module offers a powerful way to boost the performance of your Android device by increasing effective RAM through zRam technology. By compressing swap space and using RAM more efficiently, you can enjoy faster app launch times, improved multitasking, and better overall performance, especially on older devices with limited memory.

Follow the steps outlined in this guide to install and configure the GS RAM Drive module on your device. Monitor zRam usage to ensure optimal performance, and make any necessary adjustments to suit your specific needs. With the right setup, you can significantly enhance your Android experience and keep your device running smoothly.

 #GODSPEED #ZRAM #magisk #module #RAM #DRIVE

 Lets Increase Android RAM UP TO 20GB (SWAP) WITH GS RAM DRIVE

zRam increases • on disk and instead uses a compressed block device in RAM in which paging takes place until it is necessary to use the swap space on the hard disk drive.

Since using RAM is faster than using disks, zRam allows Linux to make more use of RAM when swapping/paging is required, especially on older devices with less RAM installed.




•by @revWhiteShadow




GS ZRAM Changer | Magisk Module | Universal

updated more consume ram in swap and free huge amount of ram in main ram.      

ZRAM Size :




20GB ram





• Module will automatically detect available algorithms from your kernel. If your kernel do not support change swap than it will not work.
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